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Labor and Finance

What is Labor and Finance?

Labor and Finance and is a field that gathers academics working at the intersection of finance, labor, organisations, and entrepreneurship. Most of my research is concentrated in this field. You can find a recent survey of the field here.

Who works in the field?

The Firms, Organizations, and Markets Working Group has a members list and Google Scholar has a tag for Labor and Finance.

What are people working on now?

You can check out the Labor and Finance Online Seminar. There is also an annual conference in Capri arranged by the CSEF. Here are links to a few recent conferences:

Is there a PhD course I can take?

Yes, I am teaching a PhD course in Labor and Finance at Hanken School of Economics (there is an application process for international PhD students to formally attend the course). You can find the lecture slides here. If you are a PhD Student interested in research in finance, I strongly recommend reading this book.