Labor and Finance PhD Course
This is the course information page for "26087 Corporate Finance and Labor Markets," to be held in November 2025 at Hanken in Helsinki (the course is also scheduled to be held in 2026). This course explores the relationship between corporate financial decisions and labor markets, integrating insights from corporate finance and labor economics. It is structured around five modules:
Each module examines how corporate decisions shape human capital within firms, wage structures, and career trajectories. The modules also consider how government policies, such as labor market regulations, influence corporate behavior.
The course is targeted at PhD students in Economics interested in exploring firm and worker dynamics, as well as for PhD students in Finance seeking to understand how corporate financial policies interact with labor markets. It is particularly useful for PhD students interested in working on these topics with Nordic administrative datasets.
The course will be held in person in Helsinki at Hanken (Arkadiankatu 22) in November 2025. There is a mandatory online introductory lecture in October. The invitation to the introductory lecture will be sent to your Hanken assigned email.
The grade consists of in-class participation (20%), a paper presentation (20%), and a course assignment (60%). PhD students must also submit three referee reports on labor and finance papers of their choice.
Students from Helsinki GSE (Hanken, Aalto, and the University of Helsinki) can register through SISU. Other students should apply for a study right to complete the course. Detailed information on applying and registering can be found here. Once registered, keep an eye out on you Hanken assigned email for the invitation to the introductory lecture and to Moodle.
The course material will be available on Moodle. You can find the material for the 2024 edition of the course here.
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