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Corporate Control


  1. Rider, Christopher I., Peter Thompson, Aleksandra Kacperczyk, and Joacim Tåg. 2019. “Experience and Entrepreneurship: A Career Transition Perspective.” ILR Review 72 (5): 1149–81.

  2. Åstebro, Thomas, and Joacim Tåg. 2017. “Gross, Net, and New Job Creation by Entrepreneurs.” Journal of Business Venturing Insights 8 (November): 64–70.

  3. Tåg, Joacim, Thomas Åstebro, and Peter Thompson. 2016. “Hierarchies and Entrepreneurship.” European Economic Review 89 (October): 129–47.

  4. Norbäck, Pehr-Johan, Lars Persson, and Joacim Tåg. 2014. “Acquisitions, Entry, and Innovation in Oligopolistic Network Industries.” International Journal of Industrial Organization 37 (November): 1–12.

CEOs and Managers

  1. Coraggio, Luca, Marco Pagano, Annalisa Scognamiglio and Joacim Tåg. 2024.”JAQ of All Trades: Job Mismatch, Firm Productivity and Managerial Quality” IFN Working Paper No. 1427, June Revise and resubmit at Journal of Financial Economics.

  2. Keloharju, Matti, Samuli Knüpfer, and Joacim Tåg. 2023. “CEO Health.” The Leadership Quarterly 34(3): 101672.

  3. Keloharju, Matti, Samuli Knüpfer, and Joacim Tåg. 2022. “What Prevents Women from Reaching the Top?” Financial Management (Lead Article and Selected Top 1 paper in Fall Issue) 51(3):711-738.

Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions

  1. Gardberg, Malin, Fredrik Heyman and Joacim Tåg. 2024. Technology Transfer in Mergers and Acquisitions and the Careers of Workers. IFN Working Paper No. 1457,

  2. Hellmann, Thomas F., Alexander Montag, and Joacim Tåg. 2019. “Foreign Investors and Domestic Company Growth: Evidence from US Venture Capital Investments in Sweden.” SSRN Electronic Journal, April.

  3. Olsson, Martin, and Joacim Tåg. 2018. “Are Foreign Private Equity Buyouts Bad for Workers?” Economics Letters 172 (November): 1–4.

  4. Baziki, Selva Bahar, Pehr-Johan Norbäck, Lars Persson, and Joacim Tåg. 2017. “Cross-Border Acquisitions and Restructuring: Multinational Enterprises and Private Equity-Firms.” European Economic Review 94 (May): 166–84.

Private Equity Buyouts

  1. Olsson, Martin, and Joacim Tåg. Forthcoming.”What Is the Cost of Privatization for Workers?”. The Journal of Finance.

  2. Norbäck, Pehr-Johan, Lars Persson, and Joacim Tåg. 2018. “Private Equity Buyouts: Anti- or Pro-Competitive?” CPI Antitrust Chronicle 1 (January): 31–36.

  3. Olsson, Martin, and Joacim Tåg. 2018. “Are Foreign Private Equity Buyouts Bad for Workers?” Economics Letters 172 (November): 1–4.

  4. Norbäck, Pehr-Johan, Lars Persson, and Joacim Tåg. 2018. “Does the Debt Tax Shield Distort Ownership Efficiency?” International Review of Economics & Finance 54 (March): 299–310.

  5. Norbäck, Pehr-Johan, Lars Persson, and Joacim Tåg. 2018. “Threatening to Buy: Private Equity Buyouts and Antitrust Policy.” Economics Letters 164 (March): 31–34.

  6. Baziki, Selva Bahar, Pehr-Johan Norbäck, Lars Persson, and Joacim Tåg. 2017. “Cross-Border Acquisitions and Restructuring: Multinational Enterprises and Private Equity-Firms.” European Economic Review 94 (May): 166–84.

  7. Olsson, Martin, and Joacim Tåg. 2017. “Private Equity, Layoffs, and Job Polarization.” Journal of Labor Economics 35 (3): 697–754.

  8. Olsson, Martin, and Joacim Tåg. 2017. “Påverkar riskkapitalinvesteringar anställda och samhällsekonomin?” Ekonomisk Debatt 8: 26–36. PDF

  9. Tåg, Joacim. 2012. “Real Effects of Private Equity.” In The Oxford Handbook of Private Equity, edited by Douglas Cumming, 269–99. Oxford: Oxford University Press. SSRN


  1. Olsson, Martin, and Joacim Tåg. Forthcoming.”What Is the Cost of Privatization for Workers?”. The Journal of Finance.

Public versus Private Firms

  1. Koptyug, Nikita, Lars Persson, and Joacim Tåg. 2020. “Should We Worry About the Decline of the Public Corporation? A Brief Survey of the Economics and External Effects of the Stock Market.” The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, no. 51: 101061.

  2. Ljungqvist, Alexander, Lars Persson, and Joacim Tåg. 2018. “The Incredible Shrinking Stock Market: On the Political Economy Consequences of Excessive Delistings.” European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI), February.

  3. Koptyug, Nikita, Lars Persson, Roger Svensson, and Joacim Tåg. 2017. “Aktiemarknadens betydelse för näringslivet och samhällsekonomin.” Ekonomisk Debatt 7: 6–17. PDF

Venture Capital

  1. Hellmann, Thomas, Alexander Montag and Joacim Tåg. 2024.”Tolerating Losses for Growth: J-Curves in Venture Capital Investing”. IFN Working Paper No 1500, August

  2. Norbäck, Pehr-Johan, Lars Persson, and Joacim Tåg. 2024. "Risky Business: Venture Capital, Pivoting and ScalingSmall Business Economics (forthcoming).

  3. Hellmann, Thomas F., Alexander Montag, and Joacim Tåg. 2019. “Foreign Investors and Domestic Company Growth: Evidence from US Venture Capital Investments in Sweden.” SSRN Electronic Journal, April.

  4. Lerner, J., and J. Tåg. 2013. “Institutions and Venture Capital.” Industrial and Corporate Change 22 (1): 153–82.

  5. Tåg, Joacim. 2013. “Riskkapital till entreprenörer: Vilken roll spelar finansmarknaderna, skattepolitiken och arbetsmarknadsregleringarna?” Swedish Economic Forum Report 2013: Institutioner och Incitament för Innovation, edited by Pontus Braunerhjelm, 121–43. Stockholm: Entreprenörskapsforum. PDF

Firms and Human Capital

  1. Keloharju, Matti, Samuli Knüpfer, Dagmar Müller, and Joacim Tåg. 2024. “PhD Studies Hurt Mental Health, but Less Than Previously Feared.” Research Policy 53(8):105078.

  2. Colonnelli, Emanuele, Joacim Tåg, Michael Webb, and Stefanie Wolter. 2018. “A Cross-Country Comparison of Dynamics in the Large Firm Wage Premium.” AEA Papers and Proceedings 108 (May): 323–27.

  3. Tåg, Joacim. 2013. “Production Hierarchies in Sweden.” Economics Letters 121 (2): 210–13.

Regulating New Technologies

  1. Tangerås, Thomas P., and Joacim Tåg. 2016. “International Network Competition Under National Regulation.” International Journal of Industrial Organization 47 (July): 152–85.

  2. Norbäck, Pehr-Johan, Lars Persson, and Joacim Tåg. 2014. “Acquisitions, Entry, and Innovation in Oligopolistic Network Industries.” International Journal of Industrial Organization 37 (November): 1–12.

  3. Economides, Nicholas, and Joacim Tåg. 2013. “Network Neutrality and Network Management Regulation: Quality of Service, Price Discrimination, and Exclusive Contracts.” In Research Handbook on Governance of the Internet, edited by Ian Brown, 121–43. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. SSRN

  4. Economides, Nicholas, and Joacim Tåg. 2012. “Network Neutrality on the Internet: A Two-Sided Market Analysis.” Information Economics and Policy 24 (2): 91–104.

  5. Economides, Nicholas, and Joacim Tåg. 2012. “Modelling the Welfare Effects of Network Neutrality Regulation: A Response to Caves’s Comment.” Information Economics and Policy 24 (3–4): 293.

  6. Tåg, Joacim. 2009. “Paying to Remove Advertisements.” Information Economics and Policy 21 (4): 245–52.

  7. Tåg, Joacim. 2009. “Competing Platforms and Third Party Application Developers.” Communications & Strategies 74 (2): 95–114. PDF

  8. Tåg, Joacim. 2009. “Policies och regleringar i telekommunikations-, media- och teknologiindustrierna.” Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift 2/09: 83–87. PDF

  9. Tåg, Joacim. 2009. “Essays on Platforms: Business Strategies, Regulation and Policy in Telecommunications, Media and Technology Industries.” Helsinki: Hanken School of Economics.